Reply To Your Objected Trademark can help you file a professional reply to a trademark objection in 5 to 10 working days, subject to government and client processing time.

Trademark Objection Reply Form

  • Incorrect Name of the Trademark Applicant
  • Incorrect Address on the Trademark Application
  • Failure in filing Trademark Form TM-48
  • Filing of Incorrect Trademark Form
  • Trademark filing under the Wrong Trademark Class
  • The proposed Trademark already exists
  • Trademark lacks distinctive character
  • Vague specifications of Goods and Services
  • Deceptive Trademark
  • User affidavit not attached
  • Brand Logo
  • Examination Report
  • Supporting Proof of Logo ownership




  • Free Consultation with TM expert
  • Drafting and filing of TM objection
  • Exclusive for trademark applications filed 
  • Chat, Call & Email Support



  • Free Consultation with TM expert
  • Drafting and filing of TM objection
  • For trademark applications filed by third-parties
  • Fresh Form-48
  • Chat, Call & Email Support



  • Free Consultation with TM expert
  • Drafting and filing of TM objection
  • Trademark Hearing
  • Chat, Call & Email Support

How we work?

Fill the form & Make the Payment

Get the call from TM expert

Expert will analyze Examination report

Drafting of Objection Reply

Expert will send you the draft for approval

Congratulations! Your Reply is Submitted to the Examiner Online

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You can get the examination report of the trademark objection on the website of IPI India.

TM expert drafts and files a reply within the 3 working days of objection received subject to the availability of the documents

As far as the status is showing objected you can be able to file the reply for your trademark objection mentioned in the examination report

In case the trademark resembles or infringes any existing trademark or any other reason it might cause damages, in such cases the aggrieved party may file an objection to the examiner and the examiner may solve the issue based upon the parties statements and evidences. When the objection arose the examiner will inform to the applicant and he need to reply within sixty days on failing to do so the applicant will deem to be abandoned.

The Trademark objected will be done by the examiner by questioning on the essential criteria for the registration and the opposed will be done by the third party on the credibility of the trademark.

The reason for the objection can be many either regarding the documents filed or regarding the fulfillment of criteria mandated by the statue and rules.

The objection can be made with respect to the trademark statue and rules, which expressly restrains the registration of the trademark on basis of two ground absolute and relative grounds.

The response should satisfy the officer on failing to do so, the application will be rejected.

On rejection can approach the Intellectual property appellate board.

Yes, you can. The Trademark Registry does not intend to bar the usage of the TM sign if it issues a trademark Objection or Examination Report. It only requires a suitable legal reply w.r.t objection raised.

The reply to the Trademark exam report should be submitted within 30 days from the date of examination report raised. If you didn’t file the reply within time, your trademark use rights shall be revoked.

After the filing reply to the Trademark Objection with the Registry, it will automatically be displayed on the application status in IPR website. Besides, the alert ‘Pending for Reply’ will be removed from the status.

You can submit the reply to the trademark objection report until the alert ‘Awaiting Reply to Examination Report’ is displayed. If you fail to submit reply much after the deadline, your trademark objection status will be marked as ‘Abandoned’.

The application is published in the trademark journal for next 3 months, where it can be objected by a third party. If no opposition has been made by the third party, trademark Registration Certificate will be issued by the Trademark Registry.